Clematis 'The Vagabond'

A newer hybrid with a very compact habit making it perfect for growing on an obelisk or spiral in a pretty container, or in the landscape climbing a small trellis. The deep purple 6” flowers have maroon central bars and prominent creamy white filaments that really stand out against the darker deep purple petals. Free flowering, blooming profusely in early summer, repeating in late summer though fall if you gave it a little pruning and deadheading.
Exposure : Afternoon shade best.
Size: 4-6' High. Soil: Rich, well-drained.
Water: Regular
Pruning: 1st year in late January/early February, cut to 6” from ground level. Then cut by half after first flush of blooms is finished. Second year & beyond; late winter cut is to 18” from ground level. Feed after each pruning session with a well-balanced fertilizer.

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