Calla Lilies in bloom
'Meyer' Asparagus fern is tough, easy to grow, fabulous in the landscape or containers, as long as it is shaded from the afternoon sun
Big Leafy Beauties for the
Shade Garden
by Fionuala
If you're a sun-loving gardener, finding yourself presented with a woodland garden or otherwise shaded landscape that begs improvement can feel a little overwhelming, and maybe even disappointing. But as soon as you discover the multitude of wonderful lush and leafy plants that actually prefer to grow in shade here in Northern California, you're going to start wishing you had a few more sun-deficient areas to plant up!
Whether you're dealing with dappled, partial or deep afternoon shade, there are plenty of shade-loving ground covers, perennials, grasses, ferns, shrubs, and even trees for you to experiment with. Prefer to add some drama? Consider incorporating high-impact plants with big, showy foliage. Not only will they provide texture and color, but lush and leafy plants can anchor the garden, or provide accents or focal points. And often makes the perfect backdrop for flowers or plants sporting a more delicate appearance. You can always add buzz to a shady spot with classics such as Plantain Lilies (Hosta 'Sagae' is particularly stunning!), Calla lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica, Zones 7-11), or Foxtail Ferns (Asparagus densifolia ‘Meyerii', Zones 9-11), but for extra excitement, check out the choices below!

While all hostas are lovely, 'Sagae' is particularly stunning, adding bright spot of color to any shaded location!
Dinosaur Food or Chilean Rhubarb
(Gunnera tinctoria, Zones 7-10)
One of the largest perennials on the planet, this moisture-loving giant make an oversized statement edging streams or ponds or planted directly into bog, rain or water gardens. This clump-forming colossus is herbaceous, but so fast-growing, it rapidly refills its given space every single spring. Each palmate leaf can measure up to 5' across and is carried on a huge, sturdy somewhat spiky stalk that can reach 10' tall! Remarkably easy to grow (with shade and water), a single plant gets 10' tall and up to 14' wide in 5 years.

As you can see, Gunnera leaves can get HUGE when the plant is happy!

Gunnera tinctoria works wonderfully in containers, as long as the soil is kept consistently moist
Cyclops Tree Houseleek (Aeonium x 'Cyclops', Zones 9-11)
Though each individual leaf is not huge, this multi-trunked shrubby succulent gives a big, bold, and dramatic impression. It's one of my personal shade-favoring go-tos and I knew I had to include it. Up to 4' tall and 2' wide, with dense rosettes of mahogany leaves on the tips of each fat bare branch, this unusual succulent forms a big bright yellow cone-shaped flowering cluster in early spring. Its color darkens in the sun, but it performs best in afternoon shade unless grown by the coast. Minimal water needs.

Great in containers or the landscape!

Aeonium in bloom
Blue Moon Princess Flower (Tibouchina organensis 'Blue Moon', Zones 9-11)
This rangy, tropical shrub has long, maroon-blushed velvety green leaves, red new spring growth and buds, and stunning, lilac-colored flowers that appear from late spring to fall practically glowing against the backdrop of the soft, lush foliage. Here in NorCal, afternoon shade is a must (bonus points if this shade does double duty and protects the princess from winter frost), as is regular water, rich soil, and good drainage. 4-5' tall and wide.

Ever elegant Tibouchina 'Blue Moon' or Princess Flower
Madera Island Geranium (Geranium madarense, Zones 9-11)
In its first year in the shade garden, this astonishing giant of a geranium produces large, multi-lobed leaves that radiate outwards from the thick fleshy base on thick strong stems, forming an almost globe-shaped mound measuring 3' x 3'. The following spring, the foliage angles itself downwards and suddenly a gigantic, round inflorescence of beautiful, snowy white blooms appears on top! A biennial, and 5' tall and wide in full bloom, this Madera Island Geranium is not at all fussy about soil or even water. A generous reseeder!

White Geranium madarense!
Ginormous Geranium's amazing, fine-cut, big-leaved foliage!
 * Challenges: In my own garden, much of the shade is cast by 25-year-old live oak trees, which means many roots to navigate when adding new plants, acidic soil (because of dropped leaves), plus the oak trees want to hog all the water.
* Solutions: Careful not to cut through any roots, I dig each hole carefully, enriching the soil for my new plants with moisture-retentive compost, being sure to add lime for any acid-averse plants, and direct the irrigation emitters right to the roots of the new plants. I use containers for the thirstiest plants (e.g. Gunnera), where I can control the soil's moisture.
* Bonuses? Rich, slightly acidic soil from years of leaf drop (a LOT of shade-lovers thrive in acid soil) plus lovely shadowy areas to garden in on a hot summer day.
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